Christian Business Referral Network

"Connecting the world with Christ Centered Businesses"

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Where Should We Be?

I keep hearing that nobody uses "Print" anymore.  Don’t most people today go to the internet to find what they are looking for?

First of all let me say that that we use various platforms to connect Christian consumers with Christ centered businesses and Print is just one of those platforms.  We are also online just like on the website you’re looking at now, as well as on your phone with our “search engine” platform which allows you to search whatever your looking for directly from your phone or computer.  As far as print directories, I’ll be the first to admit that “generic” print directories are on a steep decline, HOWEVER, specialty directories, like “The Christian Business Referral Guide” are going stronger than ever.  As far as using the internet to find a Christian based business, the problem with most search engines, like google, bing, yahoo etc., is that they are not “faith based”.  If you google “Christian Plumber” you’re more likely going to get plumbers named “Christian” or plumbers from Christian, KY but you’ll have a difficult time finding a faith based Christian plumber on any "secular" search engine.  That’s one reason why we are in print along with online as well as on your phone.  But another reason we continue to publish "print" is because we don't want to ostracize any Christian group or sector based primarly on age like other companies do.  We believe we should offer our service to ALL age groups...not just millennials.  In other words, we want Christian consumers to find the Christian business they are looking for no matter what advertising platform they use.